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Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

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Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
Hello all, I am the original author of Piano Booster and after many years of neglect plan to be more active in this project in future. I have been testing out the current release version 7.0 and also the master branch and there are a number of problems with it. The most serious problem is the MIDI input does not work so any notes played on a connected MIDI piano keyboard get ignored. The whole purpose of Piano Booster is to teach the piano and encourage users to learn to read sheet music by turning it into an educational game. For this reason version 7.0 is unusable for it’s intended purpose and so we need to get a new bug fix version out as soon as we can. Also there is a new version of the Linux OS Ubuntu 2020.4 release LTS (long term support) coming up soon that currently has pianobooster version 7.0 in that release.

For further technical details please see this post https://github.com/captnfab/PianoBooster/issues/212

If you are a Windows or a Mac users sorry you will have to wait until version 7.3 (or try out Linux on your PC).

Please feel free to add your comments either to this post or to the github issue.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Heartwarming to hear you Louis after so many years!   :)

Thanks to keep track still this fantastic project.

Thank you for the new release!  

Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. jan. 25., Szo, 20:08):
Hello all, I am the original author of Piano Booster and after many years of neglect plan to be more active in this project in future. I have been testing out the current release version 7.0 and also the master branch and there are a number of problems with it. The most serious problem is the MIDI input does not work so any notes played on a connected MIDI piano keyboard get ignored. The whole purpose of Piano Booster is to teach the piano and encourage users to learn to read sheet music by turning it into an educational game. For this reason version 7.0 is unusable for it’s intended purpose and so we need to get a new bug fix version out as soon as we can. Also there is a new version of the Linux OS Ubuntu 2020.4 release LTS (long term support) coming up soon that currently has pianobooster version 7.0 in that release.

For further technical details please see this post https://github.com/captnfab/PianoBooster/issues/212

If you are a Windows or a Mac users sorry you will have to wait until version 7.3 (or try out Linux on your PC).

Please feel free to add your comments either to this post or to the github issue.

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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
Thanks for your kind words. I post here again when I have a release candidate to test.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Absolutely wonderful!

I'd like to contribute.* I could help map the midi channel 10 for properly scoring percussion parts. The previous versions of PB would score the percussion parts, but the part was basically illegible. Roland V-Drum Tutor, which offered a similar score reading to PB for drummers, has discontinued the software.

I hope the new version will be somewhat compatible for MSN Network. The preference/configuration files (last setup, path to midi files, etc) need to be placed properly on the server for each student to seemlessly use the program. Even though the old version crashes a lot on the network, the students were addicted to PB.

Us, school teachers are looking forward to the new version!


Michael from Germany

*I'm not fluent in programming, but understand quite a bit.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
Thanks for your reply. I particularly like this bit "the students were addicted to PB."

I never paid any attention to the drum part PB currently just prints x instead of the note. But yes it should be fixed I look at it after I have done the windows version.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2


7.2 source downloaded.

Can you point to the document describe how to make a build from source?

#lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
Release: 19.3

Best regards,
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
Hi Robert,

The steps on Linux are as follows:

1. Download the source code and unzip it.
2. In a terminal window use cd to change to the source code directory
3. Then type mkdir build followed by cd build.
3. Then in the build directory type cmake .. 
4. Then type make
5. Finally to run piano booster type ./build/pianobooster from the terminal window from the build directory.
6 if you want to install pianobooster type sudo make install

There may be some errors asking you to install stuff and you will often need the -dev version of the missing program. If you cannot solve the error your self please post the error message to this forum.

Good luck and please post how you get on.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Thanks Louis for description.
I plan to do it today. 

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020, 22:58 Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Robert,

The steps on Linux are as follows:

1. Download the source code and unzip it.
2. In a terminal window use cd to change to the source code directory
3. Then type mkdir build followed by cd build.
3. Then in the build directory type cmake .. 
4. Then type make
5. Finally to run piano booster type ./build/pianobooster from the terminal window from the build directory.
6 if you want to install pianobooster type sudo make install

There may be some errors asking you to install stuff and you will often need the -dev version of the missing program. If you cannot solve the error your self please post the error message to this forum.

Good luck and please post how you get on.

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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

This post was updated on Feb 19, 2020; 5:00pm.

I didn't have cmake so i run
apt install cmake
Then running cmake .. but it failed:

CMake Error at
  Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY OPENGL_glx_LIBRARY

Then i installed
apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev

Next error message:
 No package 'ftgl' found

So installed
apt-get install libftgl-dev

Next message:
 Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5" with any of the following names:

apt-file search Qt5CoreConfig.cmake
and then this:
apt install qtbase5-dev

Next error:
 Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5LinguistTools"

apt install qttools5-dev

Next error:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5OpenGL"
apt install libqt5opengl5-dev

No package 'rtmidi' found

So i'm blokked now.

Can you please advise what package to install?

Best regards,

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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
You are very nearly there. The package that is required is called "librtmidi-dev" but I suspect that is not available on your version of Linux. if that is the case then you can recompile using cmake -DUSE_BUNDLED_RTMIDI=ON ..

Again please let me know if that works for you.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Many Thanks Luis!

so i continued with this - as you advised.


then open a terminal and copy the two soundfile to /usr/share/sounds/sf2/
then run Fluidsynth first with you advised:
fluidsynth -g 1.0 -a alsa -o midi.alsa_seq.id=fs2 /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2

But this sounds  a WAAAY better :)
fluidsynth -g 1.0 -a alsa -o midi.alsa_seq.id=fs2 /usr/share/sounds/sf2/acoustic_grand_piano_ydp_20080910.sf2
(i dont know where i collected from and is it free or proprietary but sounds astonishingly.)

then cd to build and run pianobooster.
root@v1:/opt/PianoBooster/PianoBooster-0.7.2/build/build# ./pianobooster

then in setup midi device in Pianobooster
Pianobooster- Setup menu and Midi Setup- Midi Output Device to the Fluidsynt (fs2):Synth input port.

then Skill set to Listen and Play the sound.

So it works like a Charm!  
Thanks for help.

Now my plan to prepare my Ez-200 and search how the keyboard led lights was driven by Pianobooster.  :)
I remember the moment when you modified PB to support LED Lights teacher function 10? years ago.
It was mesmerising to see Keyboards lights blinks. :)
ill never forget that moment. :)

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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Louis B.
Hi Robert, I am glad it worked for you. You need to speak to a new user hanek23 who has just posted to your thread over here: http://piano-booster.2625608.n2.nabble.com/quot-Smarter-quot-Lights-on-Yamaha-EZ-200-td7572533.html Ill post some questions to you both over there.

Regarding the piano sound font acoustic_grand_piano_ydp_20080910.sf2 is great for your but if you want try out the music samples in the BoosterMusicBooks.zip file then you will really need a GM sound font.
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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Hello Louis B.

I want to congratulate you on your great work.
I'm looking for exactly a software that will help me learn to read music notes and sheet music.
Piano Booster 1.0.0 is not working for me.
I'm using windows 10 enterprise
HP notebook - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.60GHz 8GB Ram

please help me