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PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

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PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

Louis B.
Hello everyone.

After a long wait a new version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

Please try out this version and let me know if works OK for you.

The following changes have been made:
v0.6.4rc: (24 November 2009)
- Added note names for beginners (to be used with a piano note name cut-out.)
- Added assignable left and right midi channels.
- Improved the MIDI timing accuracy.
- Greatly reduced the memory footprint.
- Reduced the CPU load.
- Reduced the screen flicker (recommend setting screen refresh rate to 60Hz
     and for Intel Graphic chips updating the drivers).
- Added keyboard shortcuts. These are - speed up/down, play from start,
     play/pause, next previous song, left right both hands.
- Remembers the song settings in a configuration file called "pb.cfg".
     These are the midi channels, speed, left right or both hands
- Now works well Ubuntu 9.10 and Intel graphic chips.
    (Those with Ubuntu 9.04 and Intel should upgrade to 9.10 and this version)
- Fixed various startup issues.
- Now correctly displays repeated accidentals in one bar.
- Added the option to display courtesy accidentals.
- Added a simple help page.
- Added a windows installer.

Linux uses will have to type the following command line to get the code from svn and then follow the instructions in build.txt.

svn co https://pianobooster.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pianobooster/trunk/PianoBooster.

Windows users can download the test release from the following location.



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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

Great upgrade (XP - Windows version) but watch out!!

If you install into a new folder, you'll need to copy "mingwm10.dll" from your old installation folder (in my case version 0.6.2) to get it going. It seems that file is not included with this release candidate.

I usually install release candidates to a new folder to make testing a bit easier.

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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Compiles an runs without troubles on ubuntu 9.10 with my equipment (as root and non root with fast window moving). No freezes, lesser cpu usage rate.

Great - Thanks!
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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

Louis B.
Just added the missing file the XP version so the windows link above should work OK now.

Everyone please test with video optimisation turned on from the setup preferences menu.

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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
0.6.4rc is compiled and works on Ubuntu Karmic on my P4 2.4gHz desktop (1.25gb ram) and the Casio WK-8000 synth (on-board usb to midi ).

Not tried it yet on my EEE-701 Netbook (hardly enough SSD space for QT stuff) but will uninstall 0.6.2, copy the files across and report.
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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Also works on EEE-701, Casio WK-8000 and Ubuntu Karmic. Note that my testing does not include soft synth as I use both midi in and midi out in the Casio WK-8000.
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Re: PianoBooster version 0.6.4rc is ready for testing.

In reply to this post by Louis B.

here my test results.

equipment: Acer Aspire Revo R3600, Intel Atom 230 1.60GHz, 2048MB, nVIDIA GeForce 9400 (IGP), Ubuntu 9.10; M-Audio USB Uno 1X1 MIDI Interface; Yamaha PSR-290 Keyboard

pb version: svn revision 86

I tested both binaries (cmake and qmake) as root, non root, with video optimisation turned on and off.
I moved around with the window while playing the song - no negative impacts, no interruption.
