International notation

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International notation

Mike Yavel
Hello everyone,

I'd like to use Piano Booster to teach piano to my son (He's 5 yo). Unfortunately, it's difficult for a french boy of this age to understand why  the notes are called C,E,G... Do you envisage to create a french version of Piano Booster with a french notation of the notes (do, ré, mi, fa, sol, la, si) ??? (I will stick labels with the same names on my MIDI keyboard)
If not, i'd like to know if the PianoBooster's sources are free so that I could modify them to implement this functionnality...

Thanks by advance
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Re: International notation

Louis B.

Thanks for your post,

Creating a French version of PB would be great see this post

Regarding do, ré, mi please see my reply to this post.

I am putting together a beginners piano course see this file complete with flash cards in the next release.

To be honest your son may respond more to gaming features (earning stars and high scores etc) that I am planning in the release after next.

Yes it open source, please let me know if you make any changes. Are you on windows or Linux?


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Re: International notation

Mike Yavel
Thanks for your answer. I'll have a look at the links as soon as possible...
I'm running with a double-boot (winXP/Ubuntu)
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Re: International notation

In reply to this post by Mike Yavel