Accuracy bar

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Accuracy bar

Hi Louis,

I love this app, is there anyway of changing the accuracy bar to a percentage score?

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Re: Accuracy bar

Louis B.
Sorry for the very slow reply to your suggestion. I think I want to keep the accuracy bar as it is while you are playing  but then at the end of a peice show a  lots of info about your playing including a percentage score. And give as much useful feedback about your playing as well as suggestions to improve it. I am also planning to add a replay feature so that you can rewind and then watch back how you played.

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Re: Accuracy bar

Hi Louis,

That would be great features to an awesome application.

Thank you for replying.


On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 9:11 am, Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Sorry for the very slow reply to your suggestion. I think I want to keep the accuracy bar as it is while you are playing  but then at the end of a peice show a  lots of info about your playing including a percentage score. And give as much useful feedback about your playing as well as suggestions to improve it. I am also planning to add a replay feature so that you can rewind and then watch back how you played.


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Re: Accuracy bar

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Hi Louis,

Just curious when you will add these new features to the next release?

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Re: Accuracy bar

In reply to this post by sbombard72
Agreed. I would really like to be able to see a notes hit/notes missed ratio and total percentage at the end of a song.
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Re: Accuracy bar

This provides percentage, etc., see if that's what you want:

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Re: Accuracy bar

Hi Jackth,

This looks exactly what I was after. Where do I find the update to test it?.

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Re: Accuracy bar

Which OS and version do you intend to run it under?
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Re: Accuracy bar

I am using it on win 10/11 os
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Re: Accuracy bar

I don't currently have win10/11 setup.  I'll see if I can get a hold of a system like that to build the code.
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Re: Accuracy bar

Thanks Jackth, if you need someone to test on Linux I can also can run it on that OS too. It’s not my primary OS.
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Re: Accuracy bar

In reply to this post by jackth
Hi Jackth
For win10/11 testing, I usually run Quemu based win10 virtual machine.
KVM virtual machines runs with near native performance!
It is much effecient than Virtual box.
With KVM you can attach any usb host to windows guest so phisical midi device will appear on windows.

You may consider WineHQ but compatibility aspect it has lots of drowbacks.
Best regards
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Re: Accuracy bar

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by sbombard72
Please download from here:

Just unzip to some place, best without any space in the path.

Before you start, please unzip the midi files to your Music folder.

Run the pianobooster.exe by double clicking it.

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Re: Accuracy bar

Hi Jackth,

Thank you so much for the files and changes to the accuracy bar. Just one question about the accuracy bar, what does it measure. Only because I have mixed results with it that which don’t quite make sense.

Thank you
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Re: Accuracy bar

Thanks for the kind feedback.  For the accuracy bar (the top bar), the changes I made for this bar was adding numbers to it to show the percent of the bar.  So that does not really change to what the Accuracy bar means (I didn't change the algorithm to calculate its value).

The % (range from 0 to 100) calculation for it is somewhat as followed:

Start at 50%, add 2% for every correct note played.
Subtract a value in range of 4%-16% for every wrong/late note played, depending on current accuracy percentage.  Higher percent gets higher deduction.

I can't answer why it follows that way.

Hope that helps.