Re: Add code for the PianoBooster metronome
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Louis B. on
Apr 14, 2021; 8:43pm
Hi Mark,
I've just tried out your volume slider changes and have not made a decision about this. There is definitely a need to be able to adjust individual part volumes please see this thread. I think that the part volumes would be better implemented using a horizontal bar or slider which would control the volume level for each channel.
The existing implementation of the bottom slider works like a solo function so that the users can either increase or decrease the volume of the selected part that is being displayed on the screen. To increase the volume of the selected part above 50% actually involves reducing the volume of all the other parts so that you can easily pick out the melody being played. I like the current functionality of being able to set this volume slider to 75% to clearly hear the current part and then quickly flick through the other channels to hear what they're playing.
The top slider works in a similar way for the piano part that the user is playing. Setting this volume level below 50% will reduce the volume compared to the accompaniment. However, setting the volume above 50% the piano relative sound level is increased by instead reducing the volume of all the other accompanying parts that are playing. (Please note I totally broke the functionality of the top slider in the metronome branch)
I think It is probably best, if you don't mind, to remove these changes from the metronome branch and instead we can add them to a part volume branch we can then add the individual slider bars below each part at a later time.
I was thinking that the volume slider within the metronome UI could use the same trick. Reducing the volume of the metronome is easy. However if you want to make the metronome louder than the accompaniment Then this can be achieved by making all the other parts slightly quieter . It was not intended to change the behaviour of those two existing sliders when the metronome feature is completed.
Regarding the preview button I was thinking that it would work even if no song was playing. The user's would just hear the metronome click playing in 4/4 time whenever the preview button was depressed. Pressing the preview button again would stop the metronome from playing the preview as would closing the dialog box. I tried again to get the preview button working on your pull request but I could not get it working at all.