Posted by
Louis B. on
Apr 11, 2021; 1:12pm
OK Mark,
Thank you very much for doing this,
I have compiled and run the code and had a very brief look at your code changes in your PR. I noticed a couple of things. Which I have marked on the source code on the "files changed" tab on your PR. see guess is that you are not familiar with using git and unfortunately it is rather tricky and difficult to learn but it is worth the effort as git is used in most companies that are developing software.
Unfortunately I caused you problems when I said this:
"I have just merge the latests dev code into the metronome branch" . What you should have done immediately is `
git stash` followed by `
git pull` and then followed by the
git pop commands. Maybe we can have a call about the best way to fix this as it is quite complicated.
Also regarding
conductor.cpp I wrote
"I first need to revert the hacks I made to conductor.cpp". Unfortunately only the code in
conductor.cpp in the develop branch is valid and has the working functionality for the two sliders on the left hand side of pianobooster. The top left hand slider is for the
"Adjust the volume of your piano" and the bottom slider is for
"Adjust the volume of the selected part". Unfortunately I made a temporary experimental hack to
conductor.cpp in the metronome branch and broke the top slider and so it does need to be reverted before you make your changes. I haven't looked at or tested any of the volume changes you have made yet.
Finally when I tested the functionality by running the code in your branch I noticed a couple of things: the second time I started the metronome dialog box the drop down box for the beat had double the number of entries that it should have. And the preview button did not work for me.
You wrote
"I might leave off coding in the afternoons for a while as I need to catch up on the uni work" Also i will not fully review this PR until later as I first want to post a couple of YouTube videos about PB before then.
Oh dear this is all sounding very negative but actually I am very pleased with what you have done.