Re: Add code for the PianoBooster metronome
Posted by
mark-Dutton on
Apr 05, 2021; 4:15am
Hi Louis,
I have added the metronome menu to the songs tool tab and got full functionality for customizable bar and beat sounds and velocities of the metronome, as well as the metronome on and off functionality.
For the metronome sounds I have added all the possible notes for the General MIDI Percussion channel (on Channel 9) available to choose from in the drop down widget for both 'bar' and 'beat' combo boxes.
For velocity, bar and beat sounds are customizable for the range 0, 127.
Just need to add functionality for preview sound, activate metronome tick box, volume control and style. If you were thinking of getting rid of sub beat I wasn't planning on implementing the functionality for that but will if you like. but both the sounds and velocities are fully working and you can get different instruments running the metronome at different velocities.
I have been running on Linux build and I could submit a pull request or email you the build for you to look at the progress made if you like but I plan on getting all the functionality for metronome done pretty soon (most likely next couple of days).
Here are a few screen shots:

click on metronome tab:

click on combo box for either bar or beat:

selection made: