Re: Add code for the PianoBooster metronome
Posted by
Louis B. on
Mar 28, 2021; 12:10pm
Yes I really like that icon thanks it fits the PB style well. Yes we have to purchase before use, which I am fine with. Alternatively googling for "open source icons metronome" comes with some good results.
I found that I have included
GuiMetronomeDialog.ui in the sourcetree for that branch see this screenshot.

I thought the
Style: would list out all the files in the
metronome-patterns dir.
I am not sure about the OK and Cancel buttons they are rather old fashioned now. They could be replaced with a "Defaults" button. Also I am not sure if "sub beat": is needed.
Please feel free to rework that GuiMetronomeDialog.ui it is just my ideas so far. I don't like the activate metronome check box. It should ideally be replaced with a matching toolbar Icon.