Re: Add code for the PianoBooster metronome
Posted by
mark-Dutton on
Mar 28, 2021; 3:32am
So I've added a simple metronome button to the GuiTopBar. I haven't really looked around too much but I thought this one went okay with the rest of the icons:

which I found on this website: (might need to purchase before use)
Still have to implement the actual functionality of the metronome to the on_metronome_clicked function I added but I implemented a simple toggle where the background colour of the button is set to blue (using the QPalette) when metronome is on and just keeping the image the same.
For off:

For on:

And when you hover over the button it reads: "Start and stop Metronome"
The only problem is the background highlighting adds ugly looking borders as the icon is a rounded png. Might have to add another image with some blue highlighting or play around a bit more with the qt style sheets.