Add code for the PianoBooster metronome
Posted by
Louis B. on
Mar 27, 2021; 4:47pm
Might take a look at the code and get familiar with it first but if no. 2 is a wip could look at adding something to that. Have downloaded the wip/metronome branch onto linux and got it up and running.
Is it just the GUI + customization settings of the metronome that needs to be done?
I have just merge the latests dev code into the metronome branch.
I have found a draft UI that I created for the metronome using QT 5 designer . However before I post it to you I would be interested to see your ideas of how it could work. Just a pencil sketch is fine or perhaps a screenshot from another app the implements a metronome in a way that you like. Otherwise I can just post it to you if you prefer.
The work that needs to be done is as follows:
0. Agree on a UI design for the metronome
1. connecting the metronome QT 5 designer to the PB app.
2. adding a toolbar icon to turn the metronome on and off.
3. Customization settings of the metronome (I was thinking of adding a
$BEAT_VOLUME to this file PianoBooster/src/metronome-patterns/Metronome_Clicks.txt
3. Getting a metronome volume slider to work. (This is tricky but I first need to revert the hacks I made to conductor.cpp)