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Posted by jayell on Mar 06, 2021; 11:43am
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/NEW-USER-INAPROPRIATE-USE-AND-SOME-FEATURE-REQUESTS-tp7572948p7572950.html

Thanks for your quick reply

Louis B. wrote

Next would be the way it shows the wrong notes.  I know that they are shown red, but it only turns the note I should have played in red. I think it would be good to see if I constantly misplay one note for another so I can improve my technique.
I think the replay option along with percentage score is probably best.
Well, I guess a bum note is a bum note.  The replay/percentage was probably the highest on my wish list anyway,

When I play a chord the highest note is labelled.  This means that an A5 chord is labelled E or a G5 labelled D so an option to label lowest note instead would be useful.
PB is main purpose it teach that basics for reading music I encourage users to turn this feature off. The reason for not showing more notes names is that they might not fit in the space. I suppose if there was no space they could all stack up on the top.
I get that, especially as skills progress and you end up on more complicated scores

My inappropriate use for Piano Booster – I'm using it to practice and learn to play the guitar.
Ha Ha my main instrument is the flute and whistle and I sometimes use PB to provide a backing track so that is fine. Actually it is really good to learn to play two different instruments even as a beginner. Transferring playing tunes on one instrument to the other really helps especially if you are play by ear. I presume you are learning also learning to play the piano as well or do you have a midi guitar?
Well, as I haven't been on holiday this year a couple of weeks ago I decided to splash the cash on a reasonable budget guitar and a Fishmans Tripleplay Connect and learn to play an instrument when I'm half way through my first century.

I'm using an online course called Gigajam which uses a similar idea of a midi based software to record and analyse your performance.  The difference is that their Xtractor software doesn't show the score so I have to have the score open in a page scaled down (and therefore harder to read) with the Xtractor software window open over the top of it.

With their software the only controls you have is to keep setting the tempo when learning a new piece - which resets itself. It;'s windows only software and doesn't work properly through WINE.

Piano Booster looks as it it will compliment the use of the Gigajam package letting me practice on PB before completing the exercises on their software and uploading it.   I like the follow on follow me mode of Piano Booster as it lets me practice the the finger positions and speeds up naturally as I progress without having to constantly change the tempo.

Oh, and I did get a cheap Rock Band 3 Fender Mustang styled midi controller which works with both pieces of software - but as it's really a toy and has dodgy build quality (plus it's played differently to a real guitar) I decided that a real guitar would be better.

I also downloaded a midi file of Sweet Child of Mine yesterday and had a run through with PB and it worked well.  Now I need to do the same with Smoke on The Water and Stairway To Heaven and I'll be ready for when the guitar shops reopen :)

Thanks one again

P.S.  Tried playing be ear - I found using my fingers far more comfortable.