Posted by
Louis B. on
Mar 05, 2021; 8:21pm
jayell wrote
First of all is the ability to scroll back and look at the performance. I know that there are timing markers and different coloured notes for correct/incorrect notes but I haven't figured out how to scroll back after playing a song to review how I've done and what I've done wrong.
A replay option would also be nice where Piano Booster replays the song the way I played it so can hear all the bum notes I played (possible with the option of turning on/off the original at the same time).
Yes a replay option has been in my mind for some time along with showing a percentage score at the end of playing a song.
Next would be the way it shows the wrong notes. I know that they are shown red, but it only turns the note I should have played in red. I think it would be good to see if I constantly misplay one note for another so I can improve my technique.
I think the replay option along with percentage score is probably best.
An option to also change the instrument of the track might be useful
Yes i would find that very useful as well.
When I play a chord the highest note is labelled. This means that an A5 chord is labelled E or a G5 labelled D so an option to label lowest note instead would be useful.
PB is main purpose it teach that basics for reading music I encourage users to turn this feature off. The reason for not showing more notes names is that they might not fit in the space. I suppose if there was no space they could all stack up on the top.
My inappropriate use for Piano Booster – I'm using it to practice and learn to play the guitar.
Ha Ha my main instrument is the flute and whistle and I sometimes use PB to provide a backing track so that is fine. Actually it is really good to learn to play two different instruments even as a beginner. Transferring playing tunes on one instrument to the other really helps especially if you are play by ear. I presume you are learning also learning to play the piano as well or do you have a midi guitar?