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Posted by jayell on Mar 05, 2021; 4:42pm
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/NEW-USER-INAPROPRIATE-USE-AND-SOME-FEATURE-REQUESTS-tp7572948.html

I've just started using Piano Booster and so far it's great.  I'd like to congratulate and thank you for a useful bit of software.

First of all I know that I'm using it wrong and also I'm using it for a purpose that it wasn't intended to be used for ( and most likely will never be intended to be used for ) but there are a couple of things that I would like to see added to future versions.

These are mainly in the feedback of the performance – they may already be present but I've not found them yet.

First of all is the ability to scroll back and look at the performance.  I know that there are timing markers and different coloured notes for correct/incorrect notes but I haven't figured out how to scroll back after playing a song to review how I've done and what I've done wrong.

Next would be the way it shows the wrong notes.  I know that they are shown red, but it only turns the note I should have played in red. I think it would be good to see if I constantly misplay one note for another so I can improve my technique.

A replay option would also be nice where Piano Booster replays the song the way I played it so can hear all the bum notes I played (possible with the option of turning on/off the original at the same time).  

An option to also change the instrument of the track might be useful so that the original track can easily be distinguished from the performance (for when I get better and have more notes in tune)

When I play a chord the highest note is labelled.  This means that an A5 chord is labelled E or a G5 labelled D so an option to label lowest note instead would be useful.

As I said I'm using Piano Booster for an inappropriate use but I think most if not all these suggestions would be useful for  a lot of users.

My inappropriate use for Piano Booster – I'm using it to practice and learn to play the guitar.