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Re: Display problems with the v0.7.3 preview on Windows 10

Posted by Patrick on May 16, 2020; 4:55pm
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Display-problems-with-the-v0-7-3-preview-on-Windows-10-tp7572836p7572842.html

The “--lights” feature has always worked for me in previous issues.  This is
honestly one of the coolest things about Piano Booster IMHO.  Thank you for that!

Unfortunately I can't test the FluidSynth feature as I am unable to see or get
the pull down menus to work in order to navigate to "midi setup" page.

I see these errors/complaints:
Failed to load libEGL (The specified module could not be found.)
Failed to load opengl32sw.dll (The specified module could not be found.)

Is it possible that libEGL.dll and opengl32sw.dll need to be included along
with the other .dll files?

I did a quick search on my computer for both libEGL.dll and opengl32sw.dll, and
I see that some other programs have included them:

C:\>dir /b /s libEGL.dll
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\libEGL.dll
C:\Program Files\vmpk\libEGL.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\81.0.4044.138\libEGL.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\81.0.4044.138\swiftshader\libEGL.dll

C:\>dir /b /s opengl32sw.dll
C:\Program Files\vmpk\opengl32sw.dll

Here's a video capture of pianobooster-debug1.exe and pianobooster-experimental.exe.  As
you can see, the pull down menus are missing.


I've attached the debug.log file I created from the cmd prompt output from running

