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Re: Display problems with the v0.7.3 preview on Windows 10

Posted by Patrick on May 15, 2020; 5:27pm
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Display-problems-with-the-v0-7-3-preview-on-Windows-10-tp7572836p7572839.html

Thanks for the response Louis.  I'm not sure about the FluidSynth question.  I'm guessing that I don't get far enough into Piano Booster to answer your question about whether or not the new built-in FluidSynth is working correctly.  I use my Yamaha EZ220 keyboard for the sound out, if that helps answer the question.  Latency has never been an issue for me.

I deleted the %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\PianoBooster\Piano Booster.ini" file and then tried again.  I had to run the CMD prompt as administrator in order to get the logging startup switch to work.  I also added the additional debug switch, hoping it would add extra information to the log file, but there isn't much in the log file.  The log file remains at 0Kb until I exit the non-functioning instance of the program and then after exiting, it writes only these three lines:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Piano Booster>type pb.log

Warn: Midi Tempo 500000.000000  ppqn 96 500000
Warn: Midi Tempo 500000.000000  ppqn 96 500000
Warn: Midi Tempo 500000.000000  ppqn 96 500000

Here's what a brand new pianobooster.ini file looks like:


Pos=@Point(-1 -8)
Size=@Size(1366 705)

I might have a spare video card I could try rather than the junky built-in Intel Q45 chipset.  I'll try this if you think it might help.  I'm running 64bit Windows Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.836).

Here's a video of what it looks like for me:
