Display problems with the v0.7.3 preview on Windows 10
Posted by
Louis B. on
May 15, 2020; 9:13am
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Display-problems-with-the-v0-7-3-preview-on-Windows-10-tp7572836.html
Hello Patrick.
You wrote in
the user forum "I am however, having problems with the v0.7.3 preview on Windows 10. I am not able to see any of the sheet music for some reason. I've tried uninstalling/re-installing and also deleting all my pb.cfg files but it still looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/5gWOGRR.png Maybe my resolution is too low? I'm at 1366x768, which is as high as my monitor will work."I have created a new thread here because this looks quite a complicated problem to solve.
So first I have a number of questions for you:
1. What version of PianoBooster works correctly for you?
2. Please give the details of your computer and especially what graphics card/chips set you are using.
This looks like it may be an OpenGL windows 10 problem on your computer. But it is strange that the older version worked for you but not the newer version!
I may need to send you special test builds of piano booster. Would you be prepared to try these out?
For now from the Windows
command terminal please type the following:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Piano Booster\pianobooster.exe" -l
and then please post the resulting
pb.log file to me on this thread.
Also please save and post this file to me on this thread:
"\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\PianoBooster\Piano Booster.ini"
There is a chance that deleting the
Piano Booster.ini file may fix your problem.