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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Posted by robert1968 on Feb 19, 2020; 7:36am
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Plans-for-new-Piano-Booster-release-version-7-2-tp7572786p7572798.html

Thanks Louis for description.
I plan to do it today. 

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020, 22:58 Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Robert,

The steps on Linux are as follows:

1. Download the source code and unzip it.
2. In a terminal window use cd to change to the source code directory
3. Then type mkdir build followed by cd build.
3. Then in the build directory type cmake .. 
4. Then type make
5. Finally to run piano booster type ./build/pianobooster from the terminal window from the build directory.
6 if you want to install pianobooster type sudo make install

There may be some errors asking you to install stuff and you will often need the -dev version of the missing program. If you cannot solve the error your self please post the error message to this forum.

Good luck and please post how you get on.

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