Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2
Posted by gamby on Jan 27, 2020; 1:05pm
Absolutely wonderful!
I'd like to contribute.* I could help map the midi channel 10 for properly scoring percussion parts. The previous versions of PB would score the percussion parts, but the part was basically illegible. Roland V-Drum Tutor, which offered a similar score reading to PB for drummers, has discontinued the software.
I hope the new version will be somewhat compatible for MSN Network. The preference/configuration files (last setup, path to midi files, etc) need to be placed properly on the server for each student to seemlessly use the program. Even though the old version crashes a lot on the network, the students were addicted to PB.
Us, school teachers are looking forward to the new version!
Michael from Germany
*I'm not fluent in programming, but understand quite a bit.