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Re: Plans for new Piano Booster release version 7.2

Posted by robert1968 on Jan 25, 2020; 9:23pm
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Plans-for-new-Piano-Booster-release-version-7-2-tp7572786p7572787.html

Heartwarming to hear you Louis after so many years!   :)

Thanks to keep track still this fantastic project.

Thank you for the new release!  

Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. jan. 25., Szo, 20:08):
Hello all, I am the original author of Piano Booster and after many years of neglect plan to be more active in this project in future. I have been testing out the current release version 7.0 and also the master branch and there are a number of problems with it. The most serious problem is the MIDI input does not work so any notes played on a connected MIDI piano keyboard get ignored. The whole purpose of Piano Booster is to teach the piano and encourage users to learn to read sheet music by turning it into an educational game. For this reason version 7.0 is unusable for it’s intended purpose and so we need to get a new bug fix version out as soon as we can. Also there is a new version of the Linux OS Ubuntu 2020.4 release LTS (long term support) coming up soon that currently has pianobooster version 7.0 in that release.

For further technical details please see this post https://github.com/captnfab/PianoBooster/issues/212

If you are a Windows or a Mac users sorry you will have to wait until version 7.3 (or try out Linux on your PC).

Please feel free to add your comments either to this post or to the github issue.

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