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Re: Feature Request Similar to (gtypist) Computer Touch-Typing

Posted by jaffa225man on Sep 26, 2017; 8:27am
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Patch-for-Feature-Request-Similar-to-gtypist-Computer-Touch-Typing-tp7572683p7572684.html

Well, I think I've added that feature fairly satisfactorily, although I wasted way too much time on it.  For anyone else who wants to try it (or to include it in the official source), here's my patch: pianobooster-0.6.7~svn156-FollowThroughErrors.patch.  As previously described it creates a new "Follow Through Errors" check box option in the "Setup"->"Preferences" dialog, and with that checked, is still only enabled when "Skill" is set to "Follow You"

Actually, I've redone it to work better for those dyslexic among us to be yet more similar to gtypist.  Now if the wrong note is played but that wrong note was the proper note for the one after the failed one, it error-marks the failed note and validates the one after it (even without being in the proximity zone).  I think this is better yet to help keep the rhythm going.
As an example from gtypist:  If the supposed to be typed text is "How that was", but "How tat was" is typed, gtypist highlights the error ("_") like so: "How t_at was", without faulting everything following the missing "h".  My previous patch wouldn't necessarily fault everything after the mistake (since it throws out subsequent extraneous notes while out of a note's zone), but if one is playing fast enough, the notes may be in proximity enough for exactly that to happen.  As I said, this new patch should fix that.  If you've already applied the previous patch, you should reverse it, and then apply this new one (this is not a patch needing the other patch; they're mutually exclusive).
Here's the new one (also for pianobooster-0.6.7~svn156): FollowThrough1.patch

Thanks again,
