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Re: Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?

Posted by m.tarenskeen on Apr 05, 2012; 9:42am
URL: http://piano-booster.139.s1.nabble.com/Colour-Changes-to-Score-New-XML-based-config-tp5923964p7439278.html


I am new to PianoBooster but have already used it in my piano lessons to little children. They love it!

I am also interested in the latest development so I downloaded the SVN sources.
At first it would not compile (on Linux Fedora 16), to be more precise: it would not link.
A known issue. See: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UnderstandingDSOLinkChange

After "cmake ." and a failing "make" I edited the file pianobooster/trunk/PianoBooster/build/CMakeFiles/pianobooster.dir/link.txt by adding "-lpthread -lGL" to the linker command. Then I tried "make" again, now with more success. I am not sure if this is the correct way to do this in a local SVN copy, but at least I have a working binary now. Maybe someone can fix this issue the proper way in SVN, so I don't have to do the patch/hack myself.

I am also really interested in the discussion about black notes on a white background. When can we expect this to appear in SVN (or is it already there somewhere where I can't find it?). I have the same experience with my pupils as a former poster. The kids get confused by the black screen with green notes.

I have yet another feature request: I would really love to see that PianoBooster can display a Piano Staff not only with a Bass clef for the left hand and a Treble clef for the right hand. Two treble clefs are very common in piano music, just like two bass clefs. That would make it possible to practice all the quatre-mains music - evryone knows Diabelli ? - using PianoBooster, but also solo tunes that are written in the range of two treble clefs.

I hope development on this project will continue!