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small prob with repeat mode under 0.6.2 / WinXP

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small prob with repeat mode under 0.6.2 / WinXP

32 posts
Hi LB!

Yes, I had the new, much anticipated (by me at least! ;)  looping feature revealed to me watching 0.6.2 getting compiled under Linux. I finally got myself a USB MIDI cable about 2 weeks ago as I was anticipating the arrival of this killer new repeat segment feature - and here it is! :D

I couldn't wait to get the problem resolved under Linux so I downloaded the win32 build and thats working fine on the whole so far, but as the subject suggests looping doesn't quite function as smoothly as it could, at least under Windows XP Pro 32bit using my MIDI keyboard as the in and output device.

To demonstrate what I mean - lets say you've set PB to loop 2 bars. If the bar immediately following the 2 bars that you have defined to repeat has an event on the first beat of the bar, that note (event) on the first beat of the bar AFTER the two that you want to loop gets played very briefly but then cut off before the whole beat is played and then it will return to the start of the loop. This results in a small 'jump' at the end of the looped segment and the beat getting dropped.

I've just got to put the finishing touches to a jazz classic that I've transcribed for PB- where might be a good place to upload it when finished?

Thanks for your help and the cool new version - made my weekend! :) I'll get that debugging info for you now..

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Re: small prob with repeat mode under 0.6.2 / WinXP

17 posts
On the topic of music transcribed for PianoBooster, does anyone know how license issues work? I have written down a very easy version of "But not for me" by Gershwin in a PB-compatible format, but I am not sure if it can be distributed freely...