How do I hear the sound on Linux (Ubuntu)?
To hear the sound Piano Booster needs a MIDI sound generator,
there are two different General Midi sound generators avalable on Linux, 'fluidsynth' and 'timidty'.
To install fluidsynth you must install the following packages 'fluidsynth' 'fluid-soundfont-gm' and 'fluid-soundfont-gs' using your favourite package manager.
To start the fluidsynth sound generator type the following on the command line.
fluidsynth -C0 -R0 -r22050 -l -o /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GS.sf2
If you have a fast machine then you can leave out the flags ' -C0 -R0 -s 22050' which turn off
the reverbe and chorus an reduce the sample rate.
I have had some luck using qsyth to control fluidsyth but again I had to turn of reverbe and chorus and reduce the sample rate
Also see these instructions from Dan in another thread.
In addition to that I had to edit /etc/libao.conf to read
Then reboot or you can just restart ALSA with
sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart
The package names for the GM soundfonts under Ubuntu are fluid-soundfont-gm and fluid-soundfont-gs so if you don't have an external hardware MIDI synth such as a keyboard with MIDI IN you can get all the apps required for a softsynth under Ubuntu with the command:
sudo apt-get install fluidsynth fluid-soundfont-gm fluid-soundfont-gs
then I could start fluidsynth using a command like:
fluidsynth -s -i /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GS.sf2
You will then have a softsynth option available named something like 'Synth input Port (23566)' under the the MIDI ouput device drop-down when you start Pianobooster.