muting one hand only

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muting one hand only

I recently started using pianobooster,and it's great!

But there is no way to mute the hand I am practicing while still hearing the other hand. I noticed I can mute 'parts' but both hands are on the same part. As of now, I hear both the notes I hit and the notes that the program plays, with a small delay; which is pretty confusing.
A 'mute current hand' check-box in the hands section would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time!
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Re: muting one hand only

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Re: muting one hand only

Louis B.
In reply to this post by Farfelu
Piano booster already mutes the parts of the left hand or the right hand that you are playing by selecting either "Follow you" or "Play along".  Also if both hands are on the same part then the MIDI file needs to be edited so that the left hand piano part is on MIDI channel 3 and the right hand piano part is on MIDI channel 4.

I am replying to this now (very late sorry) so that the issue raised for this can be closed.