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error message , missing dll vcruntime140.dll

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error message , missing dll vcruntime140.dll

3 posts
just installed on a laptop the latest windosversion of pianobooster.
when i started the app the first time i got a msg missing dll
downloaded that and put in windows/system32
now i started pianobooster again and got the following msg
Microsoft visual c++runtime library "this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"
to be sure i downloaded and installed Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One all distributables.
the error remains.
i see pianobooster start up get that msg and when i click ok then get "pianobooster.exe has stopped."
i dont know what to do anymore , cant get it to work.
running windows 7 on a dell lattitude d600

any ideas????
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Re: error message , missing dll vcruntime140.dll

1 post
This post was updated on Dec 25, 2021; 5:42pm.
I have the same problem with the first error in Windows 10 on a Lenovo IdeaCentre.
I tried installing the latest version of VC_redist.x64.exe as suggested in this post but I still get the error message.
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Re: error message , missing dll vcruntime140.dll

Gros Mineto
1 post
you must install VC_redist.x86.exe