audio book - a first person look at learning the piano - free download

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audio book - a first person look at learning the piano - free download

Australia's national broadcaster, "ABC Radio National" is serialising the book:-
Piano lessons, Written by: Anna Goldsworthy Read by: Anna Goldsworthy who also plays some pieces as part of the audio book. Below is the website link, and the ABC's description of her work.

BUT NOTE they only leave the mp3s up for a WEEK or two!

I've already started downloading, each episode seems to be about 7meg (for those with tight data allowances)

In this remarkable memoir, Anna Goldsworthy recalls her first steps towards a life in music, from childhood lessons with a local jazz muso to international success as a concert pianist. Guided by her teacher Mrs Sivan, who inspires and challenges in equal measure, she discovers passion and ambition, confronts doubt and disappointment, and learns much more than just tone and technique. Writing with wit and affection, Anna captures the hopes and uncertainties of youth, the fear and exhilaration of performing and the complex bonds between teacher and student.