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Weird issue with midi

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Weird issue with midi

This post was updated on Jun 16, 2020; 11:01am.
Hi everyone. I recently bought an old Yamaha YPT210 so I could use th8s great looking program with my keyboard. I'm still a beginner (i started "Simply Piano" about 2 months ago) so didnt want to spend hundreds yet. Anyway, I bought a midi cable off of Ebay but i have a weird issue where the program can output to my keyboard absolutely fine, but when the keyboard outputs to the software it registers the key being pressed but then it wont read another key press for about 5 seconds. I know its an old keyboard, but I thought the main point of midi was to create a standard interface, so I'm a little confused as to why it wont work properly. Could a more expensive cable help? Has anyone got any suggestions?

Awesome looking program btw. Amazing it's free.

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Re: Weird issue with midi

I have downloaded some midi testing software and can see that the midi input from the keyboard is constantly sending a signal. Is that normal? On the output monitor it only sends a signal to the keyboard when I press a key on my laptop. It registers "note on" and then "note off" when I let go. The input side is constantly logging, and if I press a note it just shows "note on", no "note off" and is scrolled away by the constant updating. Does midi only send a signal when a key is pressed or released, or does it constantly send signal like I'm seeing?
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Re: Weird issue with midi

Louis B.
Oh dear I am sorry you are having problems with your Yamaha YPT210 . It seems a strange fault, you should always see a "note off" when you release the piano key (and of course a "note on" when you press the piano key). Sending a constant midi signal is normal. I don't really know what to suggest. but without a matching midi  "note off" to each midi "note on" then Piano booster will not work correctly. You could try chaining the value of the External Clock on your Yamaha YPT210 and see if that makes any difference.
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Re: Weird issue with midi

Thanks for the reply. I turned on the external clock which slowed down the refresh rate, but the problem persisted. I think this keyboard may be just too dated, with it's weird midi setup. The ux16 cable made for it by yamaha appears to be no more, so I think I'll be upgrading keyboard again much sooner than expected! Such is life. Tried to be cheap, will have to sell this and buy something a little more modern.

Again, awesome looking program. You should add a donate button somewhere. I'd bung you a few quid if this turns out as useful as it looks.

Thanks again,

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Re: Weird issue with midi

I got rid of the other keyboard and bought a YPT340 at a great price, and the USB midi is working great with the program :)

Thanks again for your help, and of course for the program