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Wanted - Music that can be distributed with P. B.

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Wanted - Music that can be distributed with P. B.

Louis B.
Hi all,

At the moment Piano Booster does not include any MIDI files with the program due to copyright reasons, Most modern pop/film music etc is copyrighted and so cannot be included without permission of the copyright holder. Midi music is a bit of a minefield because the arrangement/performance of the midi file  is also subject to copyright.

However any music which has the Creative Commons licence can be distribute with PB see this site for an example Mutopia Project. Basically I would like about 10 or 20 pieces for different levels of ability with the Creative Commons licence. Especially a few really simple pieces the total beginer.

Piano booster works best when there is an accompaniment as well as the piano part. (But don't worry about that yet - let find the suitable pieces first.)

Has anybody tried Band in a Box (windows + commercial) for automatically generating the accompaniment from just the Piano part?. I have just checked and this generated arrangement of the midi file is owned by the purchaser of the software. so if it any good we could run some pieces through Band in a Box and donate the resulting midi file as creative commons license. there is a 1 month free trial.

Anyway it would be great is you could suggest some pieces and perhaps we could put them all together and make some sort of tutorial.



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Re: Wanted - Music that can be distributed with P. B.

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Re: Wanted - Music that can be distributed with P. B.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
I started learning Piano only a couple of months ago and I was looking for a software that could help me practise with proper notes with midi files. After a lot of searches came across PianoBooster and was very happy I did. I am currently using it to play Hanon and Czerny exercises.

I got all the files from Synthesia forum and they work well in Piano Booster, the link to the page is below:


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Re: Wanted - Music that can be distributed with P. B.

Hello everyone,
I am not a programmer or a person who knows anything about copyright laws but I thought I would mention the "Nottingham ABC Notation Database" to you. It's quite a collection and abcNotation is very easy to work with. It's a quick google and just might be worth a look.

Good Luck, JAPP