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Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)

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Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)

Louis B.
Hi racb

just tagged 0.6.4 so the release is ready to go.

I will remove my linux binary from the download page and rely on your builds instead if that is OK. I think I will wait  until your builds are done before making an announcement.

Thanks for all you help.

For others here is the link.


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Re: Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)


This is tagged wrong - compare http://pianobooster.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pianobooster/tags/PianoBooster/0.6.4/ against http://pianobooster.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pianobooster/tags/PianoBooster/0.6.2b/

I hate subversion when it comes to things like this - I can never get it to do what I mean first time either. Can you sort this and I'll try again?

You also mentioned that you wanted this in the education section, but unfortunately there isn't an education section - see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections - can you give me an example of a similar package for me to match?


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Re: Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)

Louis B.
OK I previous tagged the parent directory of the one you wanted, but
it is fixed now. I see what you mean that the synaptic package manger
does not have education section (but does have some odd categories
e.g. ham radio) how ever Ubuntu software centre definitely does have
an education section eg GNU solfege, Tux Paint, KTouch are examples.

the following line in pianobooster.desktop does the trick and it
appears in education menu.

make install seems to work OK now, but the pianobooster executable is
put in bin rather than games (but solfege is also in bin)

I have tried hard to make you and other package builders life easier
by making make install put everything in the right place. let me know
if there are any problems as I am about put the source.tgz  and the
win32 executable live on the source forge download page.

Also I added the line below pianobooster.desktop to get right click in
nautilus to work


but you might need to run update-desktop-database see this link:


Thanks for your help.


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 5:09 PM, racb [via Piano Booster]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Louis,
> This is tagged wrong - compare
> http://pianobooster.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pianobooster/tags/PianoBooster/0.6.4/ against
> http://pianobooster.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pianobooster/tags/PianoBooster/0.6.2b/
> I hate subversion when it comes to things like this - I can never get it to
> do what I mean first time either. Can you sort this and I'll try again?
> You also mentioned that you wanted this in the education section, but
> unfortunately there isn't an education section - see
> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections - can
> you give me an example of a similar package for me to match?
> Cheers,
> racb
> ________________________________
> View message @
> http://n2.nabble.com/Version-0-6-4-has-just-been-released-tagged-in-svn-tp4079549p4083578.html
> To start a new topic under Piano Booster Development, email
> [hidden email]
> To unsubscribe from Piano Booster Development, click here.
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Re: Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)

I don't mind how you arrange the subversion repository, I just need it to be consistent between releases so that I can track changes.

I've put it in section "sound" based on Rosegarden which does the same. I'm using your "make install" now, which includes your .desktop file that puts it in the Education menu, and calling update-desktop-database in postinst.

https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/extra - please test!

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Re: Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)

Louis B.
Yes that package seems OK (the first time I tried it the GDebi Package
Installer locked up after PB was installed and I ended up rebooting --
have tried to make it go wrong again and I can't)

Yes I had made a mistake the first time I tagged PB thanks for
pointing that out.

I had not used your page before but when I tried to click on the
pianobooster package nothing happened. Is that normal? the First  •
Previous  • Next  • Last buttons do nothing. I had to click on  View
package details to get the package.

By the way I fixed the Accidentals displaying incorrectly bug that you
reported. I hope it works OK for you. It was very difficult to fix.

There is an issue with the Intel GPU drivers in Ubuntu 9.04 that stops
PB working. I will put the details on PB download page.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 2:46 AM, racb [via Piano Booster]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I don't mind how you arrange the subversion repository, I just need it to be
> consistent between releases so that I can track changes.
> I've put it in section "sound" based on Rosegarden which does the same. I'm
> using your "make install" now, which includes your .desktop file that puts
> it in the Education menu, and calling update-desktop-database in postinst.
> https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/extra - please test!
> Cheers
> ________________________________
> View message @
> http://n2.nabble.com/Version-0-6-4-has-just-been-released-tagged-in-svn-tp4079549p4085338.html
> To start a new topic under Piano Booster Development, email
> [hidden email]
> To unsubscribe from Piano Booster Development, click here.
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Re: Version 0.6.4 has just been released (tagged in svn)


I'm not sure about the GDebi problem - although a package shouldn't be able to do that to the installer and this is a very straightforward package, so we'll have to see if anyone else has that problem.

Yes you'll have to install from the View Details page to get a raw link to install the package manually. Users can either do that or they can add the repository to their software sources to integrate it into the package manager and automatically receive updates. Sorry the instructions aren't clearer; it's the design of Launchpad personal package archives that I have no control over.

I will try the accidentals in a couple of weeks - I don't have a midi interface where I am right now (well I do but it involves needing a gameport!).