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Transposing instruments ? (feature request)

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Transposing instruments ? (feature request)

2 posts

Sorry about request, but I just had to... (it's should be easy to implement - and it could be a great use) It would be nice for learning transposing instruments to be able to transpose only a view, not a sound of a note. I'm a clarinet beginner. It's a transposing instrument ("E♭, sounding a minor third higher than written" via wikipedia).

What I do right now: (and it "works")

I'm running two instances of Piano Booster (with the same midi file), one with sound and one without. The one without sound is configured to "Transpose: -3". I start them both at once (by fast click to another instance ........  ).
I read scores from transposed one, but sound is from not transposed one... and it 'works'.

What i would like (I know, it's a free project - it's rude to "would like", please read this as "i'm begging you"):

Simple another box "instrument transposition", so the sound would be:
         original note + transpose box

and view would show
         original note + transpose box + instrument transposition box

Of course, for piano instrument transposition is 0, but for the brass or reed players it would be a relief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposing_instrument

Thanks for reading, and sorry about request, but this program is quite nice, and I just had to :)
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Re: Transposing instruments ? (feature request)

Louis B.
367 posts
Ok I am thinking about this one.

Just so I know what system are you on? windows, Mac or Linux.

Are you able to compile from source? It is not as hard as you think (unless you are using windows). It makes it easer for me to give you test versions.

Also have you thought of getting PB to follow your playing using an audio to midi converter?

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Re: Transposing instruments ? (feature request)

2 posts
Mostly windows now - but i have  been using Gentoo for long time. I have developed some stuff on mingw, cross, gcc tool-chains. 

I can build (linux&windows) :]

I didn't thought of audio2midi. I'll try this week. It could be lagging - but for learning fingerings should be ok.


On 29 August 2013 23:02, Louis B. [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ok I am thinking about this one.

Just so I know what system are you on? windows, Mac or Linux.

Are you able to compile from source? It is not as hard as you think (unless you are using windows). It makes it easer for me to give you test versions.

Also have you thought of getting PB to follow your playing using an audio to midi converter?


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Paweł Różański
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Re: Transposing instruments ? (feature request)

Louis B.
367 posts
brilliant it makes it much easer if you can compile from source. As I'll check in my changes into svn as source code for you to try out. By the way i just compile using the qt creator free version which works well on all platforms.

I'll add a box on the  Song Details screen (available from the Song menu) with an instrument transpose option.

I could allow it work with rhythm tapping with the foot pedal of a piano, so it will wait until you tap your foot on each beat before playing/moving on to the next note.

Let me know how you get on with any audio2midi converter.

By the way I play the flute see: http://youtu.be/Dbijk3dGpOg But I don't have to transpose :-)
