Translating PianoBooster

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Translating PianoBooster

Louis B.
This post was updated on .
Hi everyone,

If you would like to help to create a translation for PianoBooster in your local language then please volunteer by posting to this forum. It should be straight forward to create a translation and no special computer knowledge is required. We currently have Japanese, Spanish and possibly Chinese translations under way which I hope to include in the next release, but It would great if I could include more languages.

To get started with the translation you need to install a program call "QT 4 Linguist" which is free and included as part of the "Qt SDK"  LGPL package that is available from this website.

Next you need to get the blank translation file "pianobooster_blank.ts" which is available from from this location.

on the download link for this file right click and choose save as.

This file should be renamed using a two letter code for your language. For example for a French translation you would rename the file as "pianobooster_fr.ts" which has "fr" as the two letter language code.

Now all you have to do is enter the strings in your local language as described in the QT Linguist instructions here:

and read the chapter on The Translators chapter which is for translators.

Finally generate a "pianobooster_xx.qm" and place that in the same directory as the latest pianobooster executable. If you are not able to build the latest pianobooster executable then I can send email you the code directly.

KC74 if you have any questions please post here. If you cannot find the QT translators tool I can email it to you.


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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Hi Louis,

Right click on the file and save as did not work with your link. I got an error "unexpected tag" when opening the file with Qt Linguist.

When I use the the link

I got no error after a right click on the file and save as.

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Same error message on my Ubuntu (9.10) notebook. Under XP everything is ok.

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

The first link save a HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.or

The second a text(xml)file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0">

My OS is Ubuntu 9.10 with firefox.

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

HI, Louis I have made the translation in Spanish but I dont know how to use it. pianobooster_sp.ts
Without a "exe" It's not easy find the "errors" I have made in the translation.
Can you help me?
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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Louis B.
That was quick, Thanks

The two letter code is from this page

es for Spanish

Try this file

To every one else you need to right click on this file:

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

This post was updated on .
Thanks Louis.

I think I have finished.

I have seen that some "traductions" aren't shown.

By the way, I have also traduced the  Midi Instruments, but they are in english.

Set at right hand part: Seleccionar para mano derecha
Set at left hand part: Seleccionar para mano izquierda
Reset both parts: Reinicializar ambas partes
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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Louis B.

I have found more strings to translate and updated the .ts files in svn available from this directory

KC74 you need to use an update exe file whenever I change the strings.

Yanagida ,

i have renamed your pianobooster_ja_JP.ts to pianobooster_ja.ts and you also need to update the missing strings

Yanagida, Did you get the build working from svn on your Ubuntu?

Both, Do we want Drums to be in English as you have both chosen to keep the GM Instruments in English.


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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Here you are

Sorry, I dont undertand about what you are speaking  in "Do we want Drums to be in English as you have both chosen to keep the GM Instruments in English. "

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Louis B.
I mean the drums in these screen shots below:

Japanese screen shot
Japanese screen shot

Spanish  screen shot

Should the drums on channel 10 be in English or the local language????

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Re: Translating PianoBooster

Will this allow you to switch between language within a session or do you have to reboot or reinstall? It would be handy in the school system for our refugees.

A German translation is underway.
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Re: Translating PianoBooster

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In reply to this post by Louis B.