Showing do re mi note names

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Showing do re mi note names

It would be interesting if Piano Booster could show note names also as {do re mi fa sol la si}, besides the now available {c d e f g a h}.
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Re: Showing do re mi note names

Louis B.

Thanks for the suggestion,

However I have no plans to add do re mi, I strongly suggest that you ether stick the note names on the piano or put the cut out below on your piano.

I know that other cultures use the do re mi system more than we do here in the UK. However there are problems with do re mi. First it does not easily handle sharps and flats, and secondly only really works on the piano when key is in C major. do re mi does not really help beginners find the note if the piece is in say BbMajor where do=Bb. So I would stick learning the note names which are on a fixed position on the piano keyboard.


 Note name cut out
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Re: Showing do re mi note names

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