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Proposal of new staff scrolling method.

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Proposal of new staff scrolling method.

2 posts

I just started playing with Piano Booster. Excellent program and awesome for beginner like me.

My major issue is that, after a short while, I started to get dizzy due to the way it does scrolling.
May I suggest this change in the next release.... ....  please :-)
This mimics the natural way that everyone does when reading sheet music on a paper.


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Re: Proposal of new staff scrolling method.

Louis B.
367 posts
Hi Warren,

I am glad that you like some aspect of PB and thanks for you suggestion for improving the program, I shall bear it in mind, but to be honest it is not likely to happen any time soon (as I am spending less time on PB now). (There also usability issues eg managing the paging and where to put the lines that show the notes that you are playing). In the mean time I suggest that you printout a paper copy of the score and read from that, it was always intended that PB could work with a paper score.

I am concerned that you find it makes you dizzy, there are two issues here:

a) the display may not be working so well there are some issues with the display "tearing" that I want to fix eventually.

b) the notes are moving too fast across the screen. This can be slowed down but only by the moving the notes closer together (Ie a zooming on the horizontal scale). I may added an option to change this in the next release.

I don't find the dizzying effect too bad on my set-up and I have been using PB quite a bit.

What OS + graphic card are you using? Which midi file do find this problem? is one of the demo ones I have linked on the demo page.

By the way you might find this link useful.


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Re: Proposal of new staff scrolling method.

2 posts
I am using a macbook 2.4Ghz Intel, GMA950 and doing some Hanon exercises. Understand that you have other priorities... but PianoBooster has much potential, so I hope you or someone will continue to actively develop it.

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Re: Proposal of new staff scrolling method.

Louis B.
367 posts
Hi just incase it is anything to do with the midi file if you post it to me I could have a look at it on

l o u i s j b a r m a n at g o o g l e m a i l dot com

Also have you tried the midi files on this page http://www.pianobooster.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ do they have the same problem?

does any body else have this problem?

I am still carrying on with PB just spending a bit less time on it.
