Ha I could not find where it had put that pesky file either. i had to printout a debug statement to find it. It is in:
Regarding the BPM please see this post.
https://github.com/pianobooster/PianoBooster/issues/70This is the screen shot for the proposed UI for the metronome.

the source file is called GuiMetronomeDialog.ui in the wip/metronome branch.
I could display the starting BPM of the pieces and have two linked input fields for the percentage speed or the PBM and changing one field changes the other field. The actually internal way of adjusting the speed should always be in percentage speed. See the post above for the reason why.
Also just for testing the the volume to the right of the hands is used to adjust the metronome volume but it is not working correctly yet.
My thought on the default metronome sounds would be to use the the wood block sounds but I am not happy with the first beat sound. I don't know if the metronome bell is better with the wood block?