Hi Louis!
Somehow this post totally passed me by, sorry.
An automatically added metronome track would be the best IMO. I slightly modified the Cottontail.mid I sent you by adding a click track which started 1 bar before the rest of the song and continues throughout, but I'd like it if PB could do this automatically with the ability to select how many bars lead in you want to be prefixed for files where the piano part starts in the first bar on the song.
Sadly I've not found as much time to play with PB recently as I'd hoped- I spent all Easter trying to set up my new netbook just for that purpose though and it was only as of yesterday I finally got it to a point where I'm reasonably happy with it. As a result, no I cannot play Cottontail at full speed yet- as it stands I can only play the first few bars and at one third speed- I'm very out of practice as I've not played keyboard in a few years. It'll take me months before I can play that 100% at this rate!
Any plans for another release soon LB?