PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

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PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

Louis B.
PianoBooster is back!  It has been 11 years since there has been a full release of PianoBooster that includes executables for all three platforms (Windows Mac and Linux/AppImage). For the downloads please see https://www.pianobooster.org/download.html.

You many have also noticed that there is a brand new mobile friendly Piano Booster website see https://www.pianobooster.org/ for the new home for PianoBooster! Please can you check this new website for errors, typos, grammatical errors and broken links, etc. When everything checks out OK I will eventually put an HTML redirect from the existing sourceforge PB website to this new site.

What is new in Version 1.0.0

The new version now includes the built-in FluidSynth sound generator which makes it much easier to use. This solves the latency problem which made PianoBooster difficult to use on Windows when using the MS GM Wavetable Synthesizer.  

Also included are two music courses, Please see https://www.pianobooster.org/music-info.html for the details. The MIDI files for this course should be installed in  in a folder called BoosterMusicBooks located in the Music folder on your PC. Please see the change log for what has changed.

Also there the source code has been move to a new repo https://github.com/pianobooster/PianoBooster so please update your URLs
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

thanks. The link in the news section reads, "available with exectuables " it should be, "available with executables" . I think the rest of the site from what I have looked so far is OK. By the way, is there any way to view the documentation without having to download and install the program? so glad to know this is still worked on, this is more than a decade old :)
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

Louis B.
Thanks for that. I have just fixed the website.

Most of the documentation has now been updated and is on the new website included the FAQ and music pages. The documentation in the old docs dir in the source code is now out of date.
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
Hi Louis, today I installed PianoBooster on Fedora 33 under Wayland and it worked like a charm. Thank you very much for your time and effort on this, is an excellent piece of software :)

I also plugged an AKAI MPKMini and also worked flawlesly, so now I can continue learning with my old friend the keyboard.

Any plan to add new lessons?

Keep up the great work!
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

Being new to piano this looks like a great tool to learn and thank you, however the latest version isn't installing properly.  And I'm really exciting to get this working but alas something isn't right.

I've now twice downloaded the latest 1.0.0 version, installed it BUT the application installs with no File Menu at the top.  The menu bar is there but there's no - File, Setup, Help - as per the screen shots so the software is unusable unless I'm missing something.
The application seems to uninstall ok.
Running Win7 - 32 bit.

Reading other comments where the latest works, something has become corrupted or ???

Thanks, Orion
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

Louis B.
Hi Orion,

I have just replied in this thread since others have had the same problem as you.


Please continue the conversation over there.

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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
just installed on a laptop the latest windosversion of pianobooster.
when i started the app the first time i got a msg missing dll
downloaded that and put in windows/system32
now i started pianobooster again and got the following msg
Microsoft visual c++runtime library "this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"
to be sure i downloaded and installed Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One all distributables.
the error remains.
i see pianobooster start up get that msg and when i click ok then get "pianobooster.exe has stopped."
i dont know what to do anymore , cant get it to work.
running windows 7 on a dell lattitude d600

any ideas????
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Re: PianoBooster is back! V1.0.0 is released plus a new website.

In reply to this post by Louis B.
The link to the answer you gave to problem of no file setup etc when downloaded seems to not exist.
Will this problem be overcome or wil I have to use older release. Thanks