Piano Booster in Softonic

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Piano Booster in Softonic

Hi, I have sent an email talking about your software to Softonic (the most important web of software in Spain) and it´s now there. http://piano-booster.softonic.com/ and for 1 or 2 days it´s in the main web http://www.softonic.com/
So this can help to publicise your software.
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Re: Piano Booster in Softonic

Louis B.

I am now working on saving the settings per song and also the assignable left and right midi channels that you requested.

Would you be interested in doing a Spanish translation of the application? I am not ready to do any translation quite yet. But I can contact you at a later date if you interested.

Thanks again

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Re: Piano Booster in Softonic

Ok, I can help you with a Spanish translation of the application.
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Re: Piano Booster in Softonic
