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Piano Booster fedora package

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Piano Booster fedora package

Louis B.
367 posts
A copy of an email from Christian who packaged pianobooster for Fedora.

Hi Louis,

Louis B. wrote:
> I have just seen that you have create a fedora rpm for PianoBooster.

Yes, I've recently packaged pianobooster for Fedora. It is now included
officially in Fedora 10 (and will be available in the upcoming F11, too).

Usually I contact the author of the programs I'm packaging - sorry, that
I've forgotten this this time...

A co-worker has showed me pianobooster and we both think that it is a
great program if you start learning to play. ;-) And so I thought it
should be included in my standard linux distribution, too.

> Have you made any changes to the source tree? Or do you want me to
> make any changes to the source tree to make the process ease next
> time? Do you need "make install" to work?

There was no need to change any sources... ;-) There one minor packaging

- Some of the *.txt files have DOS line endings. At least for linux it
would be better to have only UNIX line endings... ;-)

and the install problem:

As you said, a working "make install" would be good. ;-)
It should install:

- the binary

- some icons - I've used:

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
install -p src/images/Logo32x32.png
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
install -p src/images/logo64x64.png

- if possible, you could add the desktop file I've written to the
sources (and if possible install it into /usr/share/applications, but
this is not important right now) - you can find the desktop file here:

> I am new to all this and have not create a "make install". I was
> expecting you would need to make some changes to CMakeLists.txt but I
> don't think you have looking at the fedora source rpm you have
> created.

So far I've just copied the files manually with "install" - fortunately
there are only 3. ;-)

If you want to look at the spec file - it is available here:

Please feel free to tell me if you don't like a description, the wording
of the summary or anything else.

If you add some of the mentioned install features in the next version, I
would be glad to help to test the package before you publish it... Just
drop me an email.

Best regards,

> PS do you play the piano?

Yes, I do - I've learned it for over 10 years - mostly classic. ;-) A
couple of yours during studying I hadn't had the chance to practice that
much, so I'm trying now again to refresh all of it. ;-)