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Note display of what keys I play not showing up on mac.

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Note display of what keys I play not showing up on mac.

Hi all,

First off, thanks so much to the developers and community for such a great piece of software!  I did my best to search for this question, but couldn't figure it out.  The first version I downloaded on my pc showed me the key I was currently playing which was really helpful for learning notation (i.e. it displayed if I was playing an A or a B, etc.)  I downloaded it for my younger sister who is on a MAC as she wants to learn to play better as well, but they key display isn't showing up.  Is there a setting for this or is this feature missing on the mac version?  Thanks ahead of time for any help!  

- MC
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Re: Note display of what keys I play not showing up on mac.

Louis B.
You need version 0.6.4 to get the note names.

There is test version for the mac available in this thread


I don't have a mac and so dependant on others to do the build.

There were three possible issues with the mac build.

1. font corruption (i think Joes build fixed this).

2. Video flickering (may be fixed by turn off the video optimisation on the pionobooster setup/preffs menu)

3. Then the keyboard input is disabled - Joe is this still an issue see you post below


Please report back how you get on and it it works OK for you.
