I'm trying to get pianobooster working, but it seems to detect no midi input what-so-ever.
First, I connected my keyboard (Yamaha PSR-1100) to the midiports on my soundcard (SB Audigy2 Premium). In the midisetup, I selected the corresponding sources. No effect. The program stops at the first note and keeps waiting for input. No matter what key I press, it does not detect anything.
Then I tried a midi-to-usb cable. Pianobooster seemed to detect the new device, because it showed up in the list of available devices in the midi setup. Still no effect.
Last I tried to connect the keyboard itself directly to the pc, via a USB-cable. The manual insisted that my keyboard can do that. To my surprise it did indeed show up in the list with available midi devices. But still no effect.
I can't help the feeling that I'm missing something obvious here. Why isn't it working? :S
Thanks anyway :)