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No midi input in general.

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No midi input in general.

Bill B
Hello Louis B and Jesse, Many thanks for your replies.
It seems to be a general prob that my computer is not recognising my keyboard as I have rosegarden and gnusolfege loaded as well as PB and none of them respond to my midi input. The only selection I get is "TaHorng Musical Instrument:0" but when selected makes no difference. Sound is ok when timidity:0 or 1 is selected in any of the progs. I downloaded Timidity as well as fluidsynth but god knows which is running. I seem to remember that I was using fluidsynth before I had to do a clean instal of Ub 10.10.
I am a complete newby and some of the stuff on sourceforge leaves me baffled.
Bill B
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Re: No midi input in general.

When you used PianoBooster (PB) on Ubuntu 10.04 (or whatever your previous version was), did you see your keyboard as "TaHorng Musical Instrument:0" in the PB input selection menu?

In another post about this topic, Louis suggested kmidimon to see if the computer was receiving input from the keyboard. I've not tried it yet. Were you able to get that running?

Do you have any other computers with MIDI aware software? Trying out your keyboard on another computer might point out if it's a problem with the Ub 10.10 configuration or one with the cable/keyboard.

I realize that this isn't a real solution, but if your keyboard has midi ports (output/input) then a USB-midi adapter might work. I found a fairly inexpensive one on Amazon.com.

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Re: No midi input in general.

Bill B
Hello Jesse,
                 Thanks for the reply. At your suggestion I tried kmidimon but no success there either. My computer must detect the keyboard as it appears in the menus when I plug it in. Can't remember what it appeared as in 10.04, all I can remember is that it worked "straight from the box" when I first plugged it in without lengthy configuring. I feel the answer lies somewhere in the jack/qsynth/alsa configuration settings.
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Re: No midi input in general.

I've just got my midi keyboard working after figuring out that the midi "out" cable went in the keyboard's midi "in" jack and so on for the "in" cable, "out" jack.

The USB MIDI appeared in the menus, but there was nothing being transferred.
