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Moving notes to the other stave

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Moving notes to the other stave

3 posts
This post was updated on Nov 04, 2018; 7:15pm.
First, PianoBooster is a wonderful tool to practice and learn piano from MIDI files. Thanks.
Second, some notes in a musical score are placed in the other musical stave (pentagram). More precisely, high notes in the lower stave (left hand) are misplaced as low notes in the upper stave (right hand). See picture:
misplaced notes
Then, when playing only one hand (right hand) with PianoBooster, also the other hand (left hand) is needed to go on playing. This is confusing to the player. Is there a way to move those misplaced notes to the correct stave? Please, answer to  jjsalaza@ull.es   Thanks.
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

Louis B.
367 posts
In reply to this post by Juan
Piano Booster already has separate left and right hand parts. If both parts are contained in a single MIDI channel in the MIDI file then P.B. tries to guess which is the left and right hand parts by assuming everything below middle C is for the left hand part and everything above is for the right hand. This is what you are seeing in your screenshot.

To separate out the two hands then the MIDI file needs to be edited so that the left hand piano part is on MIDI channel 3 and the right hand piano part is on MIDI channel 4.

I am replying to this now (very late sorry) so that the issue raised for this can be closed.
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

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Many thanks. What is the simplest software to edit the MIDI and only assign the channel to some notes? It should be nice to have this channel-assignment feature implemented in Piano Booster.
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

Louis B.
367 posts
I don't know what OS you are using. Unfortunately I have not found a simple midi edit program on Linux. I currently use Rosegarden but that is not a simple program.

Also for entering musical scores I can recommend MuseScore for all OS from which you can import and export midi files.
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

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I am using Windows 10 and I have installed MuseScore but it seems too complicated for me. I just want to move few notes in some midi files from the upper staff to the lower staff (so I can play the left hand only or the righ hand only with Piano Booster). I will wait for a future version of Piano Booster where a user can easily reassign the channel of each note to 3 or 4 when the midi file brings all notes in channel 1. Many thanks once again for your useful and wonderful software. The issue can be closed now.
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

2 posts
For windows you can use MidiEditor from https://midieditor.org/. It's free software but please donate if you find it useful.
Open the midi in the application then select the notes that you want to change chanel (multiple selections possible by pressing shift key) then from Tools-> Move events to channel - >select the chanel you want to change to. Then save the file and you are good to go...
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Re: Moving notes to the other stave

Louis B.
367 posts
In reply to this post by Juan
Sorry I forgot the code I wrote all those years ago!

You can already assign the parts to channels. just right click on the parts in the left hand window Or use the 'song/ Song details' menu. It was "hiding in plain sight".

Unfortunately, it does not remember these settings which should be saved in the  'pb.cfg' file.

Also PB does not understand SMF (Standard Midi File) Tracks. Please see this post https://github.com/captnfab/PianoBooster/issues/228 for more info.