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Midi creation via Rosegarden

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Midi creation via Rosegarden

3 posts
I can't seem to get the kinks out of some of my midi tests created with Rosegarden.
Is there some sort of guide?

These are some things I noticed:
-The first two channels that are used are always left and right hand.
-Left hand notes above middle C are played in Right hand staff even though a separate channel.

Here is a screen: http://i46.tinypic.com/35m1tf4.png
There are 3 channels here, the second will not show and the 11 was supposed to be the accompaniment tone.  The middle C along the blue line is supposed to be on the bottom staff.

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?  Or is this a bug?
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Re: Midi creation via Rosegarden

Louis B.
367 posts
Firstly can you please post/upload both the MIDI file and the rosegarden source files and I will have a look at them in a couple of days time.

Yes I think this counts as a bug. One of the short cuts I took with PB to get things going was to ignore the MIDI tracks in the SMF file and so all MIDI tracks are merge together. Only the MIDI channel numbers are used to separate the different parts, the MIDI channel number is the number on the left hand side so from your picture (I like the theme by the way, very cool, what is it?) I can see you are using MIDI channels 1 and 11. Right click on these in PB to set them as the left and right hand Piano parts.

Rereading your email there may be something else going on so please send both files for me to look at.


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Re: Midi creation via Rosegarden

3 posts
I believe I fixed the issue.
It turns out that I wasn't using Rosegarden properly.  So it wasn't a bug in PB.

Don't change anything in the "Track Parameters" section of Rosegarden.  I was changing the instrument here when I should have been changing it in the Bank/Program section under "Instrument Parameters"  Changing the Instrument in the "Track Parameters" also messes with the channel and you won't know until you save it and reopen the file.(Maybe a bug in RG?)

My problem is that when I set the RH and LH parts as piano, RG made both parts channel 1.  I didn't notice until I woke up and reopened the file.  This is also why PB said channel 11 when I wanted Instrument 11.

For most music, all you need to mess with is the "Program" and "Channel Out" in the "Instrument Parameters" section and Ignore the other sections.

The version of RG I was using was 1:1.7.3-1ubuntu1 64bit
The source for RG (if you still want it) is here http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/rosegarden
You can download it on the right.

I use the "Notation Editor" in Rosegarden and then "Step Recording" which allows me to input the notes from my keyboard.  I then export to Midi under "File->Export->Export Midi file..."  This makes it pretty easy and quick.

I am attaching the midi file and the RG file to help those who want to use Rosegarden to make their midi files for PianoBooster.
