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Midi Instrument

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Midi Instrument


    I am just wondering, does PianoBooster support any midi instrumetn input such as Yamaha EZAG midi guitar or (you Rock Guitar) for playing melody midi files ?

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Re: Midi Instrument

Louis B.
I haven't tried it my self as i don't have a MIDI guitar but in theory is should work. But it works for rproust see his comment on this page http://www.happypenguin.org/show?Piano%20Booster . You may have to play about with the latency fix if you get a big latency delay. 

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Mohd [via Piano Booster] <[hidden email]> wrote:

    I am just wondering, does PianoBooster support any midi instrumetn input such as Yamaha EZAG midi guitar or (you Rock Guitar) for playing melody midi files ?


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Re: Midi Instrument

Sorry for not noticing this magnificent software for 5 years.

I have just tried it with a "Rock Band 3 Wireless Fender Mustang PRO-Guitar Controller" and I wanted to report that it does indeed work! Yea!

I did not do any optimizing yet and there was some latency, but compared to nothing, this is a great setup. I can see that this will be very handy for learning complex passages. I only just tested the concept, but I plan to create some custom MIDI files and do whatever it takes to get this working well.

In 1992 I worked through the Miracle Piano system and it was amazingly helpful. I was shocked that they went out of business right away and I am even more shocked that it took so long to bring that functionality back. When I got my RB3 pro guitar controller I thought about how cool it would be for a system like that. I've considered writing it myself. It looks like we're finally making some progress! LJB, I'm so delighted and thankful that you wrote this - thank you!
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Re: Midi Instrument

Playing around with my Rock Band 3 Mustang MIDI Guitar Control [ which are an astonishing $48 these days!
http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Mustang-PRO-Guitar-Controller-PlayStation-3/dp/B003RS1A7Y ] I noticed that something wasn't quite right. If I was really good at sight reading, I wouldn't need help ;-> but I finally realized that everything was off an octave. So to play the E at the top of the treble staff, I'd need to play the high E string at the 12th fret. That's not right. The way I cured it was to open the file "MidiEvent.h" and change:

int note() const {return m_note;}


int note() const {return m_note + 12;}

I don't know if there's a better way to do this, but it seems to work so far. Of course this will probably mess up your experience with MIDI keyboards. Compiling two executables seems like a workable solution for now.

It seems to me that "Piano" Booster was perhaps a premature name. I propose changing the name to "Music Booster". My next project will be to build a MIDI facsimile of a very complex weird antique instrument I own but don't want to abuse while I learn to play it.  Anyway, thanks again for this great program and I hope this is useful to someone.