Lyrics in ".kar" Files...

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Lyrics in ".kar" Files...

Hi, I've been using Piano Booster for some time, and it is very good, To be Honest, I didn't Knew about the existance of piano booster until a few days ago...

I've also been using other similar software, Like PyKaraoke because I use a MIDI Keyboard to play some MIDI and/or KAR Files trough the instrument using the computer, and because I use Linux Piano Booster is the only program that let me use a Laptop with my keyboard as I want... But by example, with PyKaraoke I can play .mid files, .kar files and even .cdg files, but I can't use them trough the keyboard; This with Linux, but in Windows I have an alternative that let me do all that I want, (well, two alternatives) VAN BASCO and KARAFUN...

The Point is that if you can use some kind of technology to play the ".kar" files with their Lyrics as in PYKARAOKE OR KARAFUN, You'll soon have the best KARAOKE ALTERNATIVE for Linux in Piano Booster!!

So, the question is: Is there any way to play ".kar" Files in Piano booster showing the Lyrics that they've got incorporated? How can I help to make this possible? Thanks.

I'll Be Waiting for your answer,


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