Is this project alive?

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Is this project alive?


I found this project by accident and while I was searching for an open source piano related training software.
Can someone confirm if this project is alive or not especially from development point of view?

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Re: Is this project alive?


Silence because Piano booster works fine. No further task. :)

2011.12.30. 14:34, "kotech [via Piano Booster]" <[hidden email]> ezt írta:

I found this project by accident and while I was searching for an open source piano related training software.
Can someone confirm if this project is alive or not especially from development point of view?


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Re: Is this project alive?

Well, that sounds like a no to me.
So if I want to contribute ie.: add features or bugfix
Can someone give me commit rights or am I better of forking the project?
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Re: Is this project alive?

Louis B.
Hi Guys,

Sorry, I have been taking a _very_ long break from this project as I was previously spending far too much time on this project. Also I have been spending less time playing the piano and more time playing the flute which is my main instrument. But this project is is certainly not forgotten.

I would love some help with this project and am happy to give to admin rights to svn eventually, but I would to prefer to first review one or two patches by email before giving granting svn admin rights.

Also I have received a patch by email for PianoBooster, Debian and Spanish Translation which I will add to svn shortly.

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Re: Is this project alive?

Fair enough.

I've added a bug report here:
And a patch that fixes the bug here:
Tested it on Win7 using Midi Keyboard -> GNX3000 -> PC.

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Re: Is this project alive?

In reply to this post by Louis B.
For people who only have Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
I'd strongly recommend using the very low latency bass midi drivers.
Description of the driver:

Download link:

A very good sound font that can be used with the driver:

This could also go the wiki.

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Re: Is this project alive?

Louis B.
In reply to this post by kotech
Added your patch to svn

Please post if you want to make any other changes and i'll add you to svn.

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Re: Is this project alive?

Excellent, thank you.
Closed bug 3467548 and patch 3467550.

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Re: Is this project alive?

In reply to this post by kotech