Improvements in Sheet Display

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Improvements in Sheet Display

Hi, I´m newbie here.

I wonder if you can do some improvements in the Sheet Display. Currently, you can find a lot midi only for piano with two tracks (1 for right hand and other for the left hand). I think there should be an option to say this track is from left hand and all the notes should be shown on the treble clef.  Now if I´m playing a track for the left hand and this tracks has for example a Middle-C this will be shown in the other clef.
The same for tracks for the right hand.

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Re: Improvements in Sheet Display

Louis B.
Yes that is already on my to do list see this post in the dev forum.

It will be in the next release.

Can you post any links to midi files that you would like to use as I need to test that this change works correctly.

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Re: Improvements in Sheet Display

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You can find very good midis to test this in 
My favourites are in Musiques de films.