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How do you play multiple parts?

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How do you play multiple parts?

2 posts
Hi all,

I just got a MIDI keyboard and am trying out Piano Booster for the first time, it looks great!  The MIDI file I am using (from Mutopia) has two parts (for the left/right hand) but - and this might seem like a silly question - I can't figure out how to select both parts so I can learn the song with both hands!

Holding the Control key while clicking on the parts just switches between the two parts.  How can I learn both parts at the same time?

Anyway, thanks for such a useful program!
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Re: How do you play multiple parts?

Louis B.
367 posts

For version 0.6.2 the left and right piano parts have to be channel 3
for the left hand and channel 4 for the right hand. PB has been
designed to work with these files on this page
http://www.pianobooster.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ which follow this
convention. But for now you will have to manually edit the midifile to
match this convention.

Please can you post a link to the midifile that you want to use and I
will try and getting working in the next release of PB.


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Re: How do you play multiple parts?

2 posts
Thanks for the quick reply!  I did end up editing the MIDI file with Rosegarden and used copy and paste to combine the two parts into the one track, and that didn't work too badly, but PB seemed to become confused with the octaves then (when playing a song it would work fine, but when you got the notes wrong and tried to guess the right one, the lines on the screen would often appear an octave too low (treble) or an octave too high (bass) which made guessing notes hard!  I'm not quite sure what was going on here so I think I'll put it down to the MIDI file being different to what PB expected!)

The file I'm using is here:

The main page is at http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/make-table.cgi?Composer=ChopinFF

PB correctly displays and uses the two parts (which are separate tracks in the MIDI) I just can't select both of them at the same time.
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Re: How do you play multiple parts?

19 posts
You don't have to to combine the two parts into the one track, you have to put channel 3 for the left hand and channel 4 for the right hand.

I use Anvil Studio to do that and It's free software.