Generating PianoBooster compatible midi from video lessons (Synthesia)

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Generating PianoBooster compatible midi from video lessons (Synthesia)

I made an synthesia video lesson to midi converter (syn2midi).
I made it just for fun.
Decided to share it, so maybe it'll be useful for someone else.
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Re: Generating PianoBooster compatible midi from video lessons (Synthesia)

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Re: Generating PianoBooster compatible midi from video lessons (Synthesia)

In reply to this post by minyor
oh wow this is pretty amazing! thanks for such great work. I wonder if the reverse is true, could you use piano booster to generate such videos?
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Re: Generating PianoBooster compatible midi from video lessons (Synthesia)

Hi. Yes, of course you can generate videos like those synthesia ones from midi.
Reversed process should be much easier.
But what is a point, aside of price, if synthesia does it already?
However, if you'd like have somewhat similar experience while learning in pianobooster,
you can try my pianobooster-mod with keyboard widget (it should be in master now).
Or you can download binary from here.