Feature request for lighted keyboard

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Feature request for lighted keyboard

I'm using PianoBooster to learn songs that are not already preset in my Casio LK-220. The feature I miss the most is the ability to have the next set of keys to be lighted so that I can just focus on the keyboard and learn the song. Is it something that is possible to implement? An example: to learn the sequence C, D, E,... the keyboard presents C key lighted, when I press C the tone is produced and as I release the C note the D note is lighted until I press it, when I release the D note, the E note is lighted and so on.

Another nice feature of LK-220 is the ability to learn songs in phrases. This is a easier way for me to learn.

How it works for a phrase n in the song:
1) practice current phrase with "follow you" for 10 notes
2) give you a score from 1-100
3) if score is less than 85 repeat 1)
    if score is >=85 then play all phrases from beginning of song till phase n with "follow you" then move to phrase n+1 and go to step 1)

This allows a complete focus on the an easy to remember sequence of notes, before moving to the next phrase. It is very useful for very complicated movement.

Thanks for the great work,
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Re: Feature request for lighted keyboard

Hi Roger,

Originally I requested Louis to develop lighted keyboard support feature, and he kindly done it :)

I don't really understand the problem. I have yamaha EZ-200 and the function is working in that way exactly how you describe:
Before note(s): light(s) are up, you hit key(s), and you get next note or note(s).

I will do a video on youtube to show how is it work with my keyboard.

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Re: Feature request for lighted keyboard

Louis B.

I think I did a special change to the source code for you which roger would not have.

Roger see this link:

